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Three Years Construction Projects Budget Summary Recommended and Approval by the Building Committee 2024-2026
Projects bill of quantities & description of item amount in Dalasi, pounds and dollars: This budget and bill of quantities in conjunction with the instructions from the consultant, general and special conditions of contract, technical specifications and drawings. The quantities given in the bill of quantities are estimated and provisional, and include all constructional, plant, labor, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set out the basis payment, rates and prices and many more.
1. Construction of 24 classrooms, Offices, restroom and Staff rooms preliminaries, tiling, coatings and linings, painting, openings, plumbing, utilities and electrical. Grand total of D12,073,105. Which in pounds: £185,740. And in dollar: $223,576. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
2. Construction of Islamic Masjid library, purchase of books, furniture, bookshelves, desktop computers, printers, independent study stations, security system, projector with pull-down screen, online subscription services.Grand total projected cost: D17,146,210. Which in pounds: £263,787. And in dollar: $317,522. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
3. Ten Projects Islamic books reference in Arabic language, English language and French language, Water well project, Masjid Construction, Food distribution, Quran Distribution, Hifz Sponsorship, Child Sponsorship, Self Sustaining Projects, Hospital bill and Widow Support For : D593,385 which in pounds: £9,129. And in dollar: $10,988. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
4. Construction of computer lab takes time and effort, but is not difficult once you have everything in place, digital libraries, collection development, electronic, laptop, student computers, public use computers & accessories and technical equipment. The total expenditure on this noble initiative was D5,583,676. Which in pounds: £85,902. And in dollar: $103,401. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
5. Construction and furnishing of dormitory for boys with, the project cover the construction of two-storey dormitory for boys inclusive of furniture and fixtures with approximate total of D12,073,105. Which in pounds: £185,740. And in dollar: $223,576. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the dalasi, pound and dollar.
6. At present, with the help of Allah {S.W.T} and then the support of Sheikh Kanteh, (the proprietor and head of the school) in 2015 purchased a plot of land for D350,000.00 (three hundred and fifty thousand Dalasi) from late Mr. Talibo Demba at Banjulinding , for girls boarding school with attached house for the housemistress. A total amount approximated are: D7,692,448.00 which, in pounds: £118,345. And in dollar: $142,452. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
This amount covered expenses on fencing, trips of sand, iron rods, bags of cement, moulding of blocks, plywood, weeding clearing of trash, transportation, welding of doors, School main gate, cast of labour, timber, gravel, windows, plastering, electrical, tilling, painting carpentry works, cost of labour, nails. We pray that Allaah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.t Reward you with Abundance of blessings. A’ameen
7. Provide transportation (school bus) for the student of school for brighter future, the school needed a bus in order to transport 600 plus the poor, needy, orphans students and widows children to and from school. The total capital for the school bus venture approximated on this noble initiative are: D7,000,000.00 which, in pounds: £107,692. And in dollar: $129,629. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
8. It is the desire of the Management of the Organisations to solicit for office equipment and furnish the Organisation office and the school in order to make smooth running of the office. The items covered inclusive the desk, chairs, filling cabinet, bookcase,computers, photocopier, printer, wastebasket, notebook, monitor, paper clip, files. The total capital for the office equipment and furnish approximated on this noble initiative are: D1,500,202.00 which, in pounds: £23,926. And in dollar: $28,800. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
9. Miscellaneous expenses (these expenses may include legal fees, feeding, clothing, bills, staff training, travel cost, advertisement, emergency fees, maintenance fees, shipping costs, etc. The total capital for the miscellaneous expenses approximated on this noble initiative are: D1,500,000.00 which, in pounds: £23,076. And in dollar: $27,777. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
10. Building Five community mosques in remote villages to aid development, people gather to united and worship, children learn religious manners and read the holy Qura’an Faith, breeds hope and inspires social justice as well as the perseverance to improve themselves and their lives. The total capital for the building expenses approximated on this noble initiative are: D10,100,000 which, in pounds: £155,384. And in dollar: $187,037. As per the current prevailing exchange rate between the Dalasi, pound and dollar.
Total Capital the Project are: D75,162,131.00 With Pounds: £1,156,340 & in Dollars: $1,391,891 May Allah S.W.T reward us all for our good deeds and acts of Sadaqah, even those outside of the types of Sadaqah Jariyah listed here, and may he grant us all a place in Jannah. A’ameen
Please consider donating to our Sadaqah Jariyah appeal to help secure further rewards today. With your help, we can continue to make a difference.
General Project goals & objectives
The major goals and objectives of the Organisation are: Reason & wisdom is non-profit charitable organisation in the Gambia. Non-profit, doing charity in the Gambia through our 24-year journey.
1. The membership fees listed must be paid in euros for those in Europe, and U.S dollars for those in the Americas and the Arab gulf Countries. Membership fees per month hundred Dalasi (D100), per year one thousand two hundred Dalasi (D1,200)
2. To provide students with challenging programs with high academic standards in a positive and conducive environment for learning.
3. To build schools in the communities thereby enhancing free access to education with no tuition fees.
4. Providing support for studies, by providing scholarships or remission of fees for each of the following stages: Memorization of the holy Qur’an – primary – preparatory – secondary – university – postgraduate studies.
5. Providing support for medical treatments or medical bill based on the availability of funds.
6. Providing support and sponsorship to family members who are poor, needy, widows and orphans, especially the holy month of Ramadan and Eid, it will be periodically or temporarily according to circumstances of the beneficiaries and the circumstance of the organisation.
7. To prepare students to engage in ethical decision making and applying Islamic principles from the Qur’an and Sunna in their daily lives.
8. To enhance the students understanding of the Qur’an and the Sunna through instruction in the Arabic, English and other languages.
9. To instil in the student’s universal values of honesty, respect and self-discipline. It will also encourage them to demonstrate these values through their actions and dealings with themselves, their peers and community at large.